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Table 1 Preclinical studies of combination approaches in sarcoma

From: Targeted antiangiogenic agents in combination with cytotoxic chemotherapy in preclinical and clinical studies in sarcoma

Drug combination

Sarcoma tumor models

Results compared to models treated with chemotherapy alone


Pazopanib + topotecan

OS KHOS and RMS RH30 cell lines and xenografts

↑ Antitumor and antiangiogenic effects,

↑ Survival,

↓ Circulating endothelial cells and/or endothelial progenitor cells,



VDA (OXi4503/CA1P) + doxorubicin

EWS xenografts

↑ Antitumor effects

↑ Necrosis

↓ Perfused vasculature


Bevacizumab + topotecan

ASPS xenografts

↑ Antitumor effects compared to bevacizumab monotherapy, but not topotecan alone


Vandetanib + doxorubicin

Multiple STS cell lines and xenografts

↑ Antitumor and antiangiogenic effects

↓ Local growth leiomyosarcoma

↓ Lung metastases in fibrosarcoma


DC101 + doxorubicin

Multiple STS cell lines and xenografts transfected with VEGF165

↑ Antitumor and antiangiogenic effects

↓ Tumor growth and pulmonary metastases


↑ Percentage of mature vessels

↓ Matrix metalloproteinases secreted by endothelial cells


DC101 + doxorubicin

Leiomyosarcoma SKLMS-1 and RMS RD cell lines and xenografts

↑ Antitumor and antiangiogenic effects

↓ MVD and neovascularization

↑ Apoptosis of endothelial cells

↓ Endothelial cell migration, proliferation, tube-like formation


TNP-470 + etoposide

Angiosarcoma ISOS-1 cell line and xenograft

↑ Antitumor effects

↑ Growth inhibition


  1. ASPS alveolar soft part sarcoma, ES Ewing sarcoma, MVD microvessel density, OS osteosarcoma, RMS rhabdomyosarcoma, STS soft tissue sarcoma, VDA vascular-disrupting agent, VEGF(R) vascular endothelial growth factor (receptor)